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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Guess today is as good as any other day to start posting again. My 2012 goal was to be faithful to my blog, but it looks like I got off to a shaky start. Today is Valentine's Day and it is only my second post. What a slow beginning, but I still have some time to change it around.

Today is a special day in our family. It is not just Valentine's Day, rather it is also my daughter in laws birthday. She is twenty two years old and a sweet-heart. Shh, don't tell her I said that because I do not want her to get a big head.

She blessed us with a sweet little bundle of joy, December 12, 2011. She came into this world weighing 6'11. They named her Nevaeh Lee Marie Eicher. She was welcomed into this world by her three brothers, Dustin, Joey, and Hayden.

Nevaeh was welcomed home by our Old Fashion Family that lives together here on the homestead. Our Home is made up of 5 boys, 4 girls, 5 men and 6 women. That is including me. I am the Grandma, here at the Homestead. Our home is always growing, with a baby due in August.

Years ago large families happen to be common. We often get strange looks from people when they see us all together. In fact, I was once involved in talking to this young girl at the park with her daughter. We got to talking about where we both lived. When I asked her if she knew where Bryan street was, she said yes she did. Without a pause, she went on to speak about this two story house on Bryan Street that her mother told her to stay away from that house and cross the street to avoid it. Her mother told her that the family that lived in the house sold drugs and had large parties. At that moment I was stunned and wanted to change the topic, however the young girl was interested in what house it was that I lived at.

I started to giggle and then went on to tell her that the house she spoke about was the place that I lived in. This young girl went on to become a dear friend of mine, not to mention her mother often stopped into visit.

People often pass judgement on people before taking the time to get to know the people. I am sure that people still think that my family are wild and crazy. Sometimes it bothers me and other times I just want to grow larger and larger.

Although some of my children have grown up and moved away, several of my children remain here on the homestead that we purchased after most the children had grown up. Those children that remain have families of their own.

We started out with a small house that is continually growing and growing. We all share the belief that people have slowly lost touch with the meaning of family. Years ago, It was common that Grandma and Grandpa lived with at least one of their sons or daughters. In our case, All of my sons have decided to remain here and just keep adding onto the family home.

We have also opened our doors to helping other individuals that maybe faced with some tough times in their lives. In this case, these individuals are treated just like my other children...FAMILY.

NOTE-Some people have asked me if I plan to ever stop letting people move into our home. I have even been told that I should tell my children to get jobs and move out. I find that so sad, because little do they know that all my children have jobs, and the house we live in, is owned by everyone.

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