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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Small Country Town with a Large Family

In a small town in Northeastern, Indiana called Garrett lives a family that has made many people talk. Although most people do not know our family, we can promise you that most everyone has a comment to say about us. It is sad how people pass judgement upon others without taking the time to get to know those that live next door.
Yes, I am speaking about "Our Family." Over the years people have lost touch with what family is all about. Have you taken time to visit your local nursing home? If you have not done so than you might wish to do just that before the day comes that you move into the home as a resident. In most cases these elderly people do not have very many visits from their family members. Everyone is always planning to go and visit grandma or grandpa but today just doesn't have enough hours in it. So maybe tomorrow but tomorrow will never come until the phone rings and the call comes in.
Our family has made sure that we talk about the importance of the complete family unit. Did you ever wonder what happened years ago when the places that we know as nursing homes had never opened the doors for patients.
Parents grew older and older until one day arrangements had to be made to have care provided for our loved ones. It is our belief that our parents are a blessing to us in our youth and in our older years. The grandchildren will learn a respect and love for the family unit and bond as they learn how to love, except and provide care for their grandparents.
In our home it is not uncommon to find 12 cousins running around the yard, playing and yes even fighting. During the day you may find some of the cousins gathered around the table having school time. That is correct, I said school time.
Grandma has a lot that she can teach the children. However, if she just feels like relaxing, she maybe found rocking a baby and singing to the infant. As grandma begins to forget things, it is alright because the children still love to sit next to her at the table as mom sits between the little one and grandma. She takes a special amount of time to feed grandma, the baby and even herself. Nobody even seems to notice if grandma is talking to someone that only grandma can see. She is loved and cared for by special hands. The greatest gift that we can give to our parents in their later years.
The grandchildren are often found, playing house. It used to be everyone wanted to be mom or the baby but in our house, you may have to calm down a disagreement when everyone wants to be grandma or grandpa. Love has no boundaries, nor does it see faults. If each of us could look through the eyes of a child than just maybe the world around us might have a better chance.